3 Papers Accepted at APSEC23


We are very happy to announce that three papers have been accepted at the 30th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference!

Analytical Modeling and Empirical Validation of Performability of Service- and Cloud-Based Dynamic Routing Architecture Patterns by Amirali Amiri, Uwe Zdun and André van Hoorn

Architectural Design Decisions for Data Communication of Cyber-Physical Systems by Amirali Amiri, Evangelos Ntentos and Uwe Zdun

Developer's Cognitive Effort Maintaining Monoliths vs. Microservices - An Eye-Tracking Study by Georg Simhandl, Philipp Paulweber and Uwe Zdun

The papers will be available in eprints and you can find more information about APSEC here.

See you in Seoul in December!