Joint Research Retreat with Uni Hamburg


Presentations, discussions, boat rides and more!

Members from our group participated in a research retreat together with members of the Research Group Software Engineering and Construction Methods (SWK) from the University of Hamburg. Our two groups met up in Regensburg for four days to present our individual areas of research, and to discuss ideas and challenges to the field of software engineering. The goal was to foster the exchange of knowledge and find common ground leading to collaborations between the groups on research projects and scientific papers facilitated by the two group leaders Matthias Riebisch (SWK) and Uwe Zdun (SWA). Both groups have varying amounts of scientific experience, from PhD students just starting out in the doctoral programme to renowned, seasoned researchers, which gave all of us the chance to benefit from years of scientific experience but also from fresh perspectives in well-established as well as emerging research fields in software engineering.

We were also given the chance to socialize some more during a tour through the historic parts of Regensburg including a boat ride along the Danube.

If you want to learn more about the research group SWK, visit their website here.

Look forward to the resulting collaborations!