SWA Team Event 2024


Last week, the annual SWA team event took place. This year, we visited Petronell-Carnuntum, where we first got a very interesting tour through the reconstructed Roman city. The tour's highlight was the fully functioning Roman bathhouse. After a relaxing lunch break, we also visited the Heathen's Gate, the remains of a triumphal arch just outside of the city.

outside view of a building in Roman style with white columns

Outside view of the Villa Urbana (c) Sylvia Ennsberger

inside a tall room with painted ceiling, wicker chairs and lounges

Inside the Roman bath (c) Sylvia Ennsberger

a group of people in front of a wall painting of fish

Group picture in Roman bath (c) Sylvia Ennsberger

tall ruin of stone arch surrounded by grass

Heathen's Gate (c) Sylvia Ennsberger