Talks by Catia Trubiani and Stefan Nastic


The SWA invites you to two talks by renowned computer scientists Catia Trubiani and Stefan Nastic.

Date: September 6, 2023

Time: 2.30 - 4 p.m.

Location: Währinger Str. 29, Seminar room 6 (OG1)


Catia Trubiani (Gran Sasso Science Institute)

Interpreting Software Performance to Shed Light on Architectural Alternatives
Interpreting the performance characteristics of complex software systems is not trivial, even more so when systems are exposed to multiple sources of uncertainty, e.g., heterogeneous workloads leading to fluctuations in resource demands. The goal of this talk is to present some methodologies on how to interpret the performance analysis results while quantifying the impact of suitable architectural alternatives. One viable solution is to make use of software (anti)patterns since they are known to affect the system performance and bring quantitative information. Recent results on real-world java applications and microservices will be presented, along with challenges and open research directions.


Stefan Nastic (Technische Universität Wien)

Serverless Compute Fabric for Edge-Cloud Continuum: Opportunities and Challenges
Serverless computing has been establishing itself as a compelling paradigm for the development of modern cloud-native applications. Serverless represents the next step in the evolution of cloud programming models, services, and platforms, which is especially appealing due to its low management overhead, easy deployment, scale-to-zero, and promise of optimized costs. In this talk, we take a closer look at the state of serverless computing, particularly focusing on the opportunities and challenges related to building Serverless applications and systems in the edge-cloud continuum.